Allow me to paint a visual metaphor. A vetaphor. The entire league's pitching is cornered on the grounds of a wildlife preserve. A tiger, we'll call him Blister, stalks towards the league's pitching. There's no way out, but the league attempts to urinate on Blister to keep him away. Then, out of nowhere, Nat Gio, dressed as Lord Beasley, a world famous butterfly collector from Gilligan's Island, rides his Eddie Bauer jeep into Blister's den, and befriends the beast, saying, "I slay pussy," then off everyone's look, "...cats." Yesterday, Gio Gonzalez had yet another great start -- 6 IP, 0 ER, 5 baserunners, 4 Ks, ERA at 2.49. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Gio hears people talking about the new baseball and how offense is up. Maybe he's the one pitcher who likes a tightly-sewn baseball. Up until this year, he must've been like, "Geez, is this ball going to unravel when I throw it?" Of course, his outlook for 2018 fantasy doesn't look anywhere near as optimistic. Besides his ERA, there's nothing promising in his peripherals. He has left 85.7% of men on base. That's more than a wife with a headache. Anyway, here's what else I saw yesterday in fantasy baseball: