Yesterday, Francisco Liriano went 6 2/3 IP, 2 ER, 4 baserunners, 13 Ks with zero walks. Insert the madman cackle of Francisco Liriano's owners who owned him up until last night when he had a 5.11 ERA. He had 13 Ks without a walk! This came from a guy who had a 5.7 BB/9 coming into the game. That's not bad. No, no. You think that's bad? You should swipe right on Tinder the next time you come across a thesaurus if bad's all you got. That's effin' egregious. That's the 1980's Lower East Side before Donald Trump fixed the entire New York City as narrated by Jon Voight. That's the worst walk rate since Todd Van Poppel's walk rate of 6.87 in 1994. Since 1980, there's only been walk rates of 5.7 or worse four other times. In 36 years! Jesus, 36 years? I'm getting old. This start came against the Brewers who have struck out more than any other team in the major leagues. So, nice start, but I wouldn't go near him. Anyway, here's what else I saw yesterday in fantasy baseball: